
Fashion, Robots, and the Evolution of Cities at Autodesk Design Night

San Francisco is more than familiar with the concept of tech, but it’s easy to forget that technology intersects with art, athletics, and fashion. Monthly Design Night parties at the Autodesk Gallery in downtown SF allow guests the opportunity to dive into different themes and explore how tech transforms a multitude of industries. Past party nights have touched on such arenas as fashion, space exploration, futuristic robots, and the art of tech in film. Add in an open bar, bites, live music, and a host of hands-on activities, and you’ve got a full-fledged party with a purpose on your hands.

Next up on the Autodesk radar: Design Night: The Future of Cities, focusing on smart city design and its impact on communities. Be sure to set a calendar reminder for Monday, September 8th at noon sharp (Design Night tends to sell out within minutes).